FIRST AND TRI-STATE CORPORAT : 192823-098 Creation : 12/11/1929 Inactive : 01/01/1970 As a forenote, Frank Kryder's SSN 3612 added to Monterey Old House, CA (Edgerton-Picot) 0900= taxpayer number of Brian Bodie's Union Street Investment Company 4512. Chronology of the Duke LeBeau Loan Trust, Carl G. Santangelo, TR, center of a very weird case of bank and securities fraud in Chicago which appears to have negatively impacted The Estate of Leonce Picot by desperate, if not pre-meditated chicanery, creating a recognizable short segment 1+1=2 RICO.
2020 A second appeal U.S.v Bodie and Lebeau was also denied and original judgment following the jury trial was affirmed. 2019 Appeal U.S. vs Brian Bodie and Kevin LeBeau denied. 10/18/2018 DOJ Lien to Brian Bodie for $1,019,000 fine 10/16/2018 Santangelo wrote two Letters- one to Leonce Picot's daughter, on the brink of homelessness and burdened by a life of inescapable debt, to tell her she was still penniless from her father's estate, and the second to plead for mercy from Gentleman Judge for Brian, the elder robber established since 1994. 10/16/2018 Letter of Brian Bodie Goodness of Character in which Santangelo throws his client, the Duke LeBeau Trust, under the bus as being manipulated by Kevin LeBeau, unbeknownst to Santangelo, Tr., Amcore, or Bodie . 8/24/2018 Death of Leonce Picot 7/17/2018 IRS Lien recorded against Bodie for $70,000 . Trustee ex maleficio is equivalent to "Taking the Lord's Name in Vain." Only those of strongest character and obedience can be Trustees without oversight . The only safe Trustee is one who knows there is nothing done in the dark that is not seen, and such people do not even need Commandments and Laws anyway. A trustworthy person cannot lie, steal, inflict harm, never enjoyed cheating or cheaters, and knows how to govern themselves accordingly, ironically. 9/2018 Santangelo's denial of Insurance Benefit without Leonce's heir releasing it from the allowed accounting as written in the Trust 10/10/2017 Federal Jury Convicts Lawyer on Charges of Defrauding an Elderly Couple and a Bank to Prevent Foreclosure on Aurora Property DOJ case v Robert Jon Schyler of Portage, IN , atty for Bodie and LeBeau 2017 DOJ Release "Falsifying Loan Documents on Ten-Acre Parcel " (Bodie & LeBeau)" 2013 Partial Assignment of Bodie to Santangelo to Semenuk (see chronology- Semenuk ARCON Roofing paid $100,000 in 2023, like Arcon charged Santangelo for a $100,000 new roof immediately following Leonce Picot's death. ARCON ROOFING was originally created in Indiana. 9/13/2013 Robert Jon Schyler, Brian Bodie's lawyer, filed Chapter 7 in Hammond, IN: 8/19/2013 Santangelo partial assgnment of Judgment to Semenuk 4/26/2010 Leonce Picot and David R. Edgerton as Edgecot, Inc. sold the former Gallatin's property in Monterey, CA lka Monterey Old House which continued to operate under Dave long after 1001 Nob Hill failed. 4/26/2010 Purported Trust, with flaws, as Leonce's Daughter received after having to file suit. Carolyn Picot did not sign this document as co-Trustee. Trust character, it was cut and pasted, but was never part of a verifiable LIT. 4/16/2010 Brian Bodie; ) Mortgage Desk Inc., its partners banned from illegal securities sales targeting elder investors. 2010 Florida Bar formally puts Gwynn on trial by Bar Referees, Santangelo switched notes on Gwynn 1994 to 1996, who was so angry she filed a claim several times despite Santangelo's Stay during his 2003 Bankruptcy. 2009 Document Number: 0923629076 Document Type: JUDGMENT Date Recorded: 8/24/2009 Date Executed: 8/6/2009 # of Pages: 1 Address: Consideration Amount: $1,568,819.00 Grantors Name Trust# AMCORE BK Grantees Name Trust# DUKE LEBEAU INC 1201 S WESTERN LCC DUKE LEBEAU TRUST LEBEAU DUKE TRUST SANTANGELO CARL G TR LEBEAU KEVIN J BODIE BRIAN G MORTGAGE DESK INC UNION ST INV CO PRESTAR FIN CorP 1/18/2008BodieNote issued for $400,000+ on Health Club Property 11/20/2007 LeBeau Junior Mtg (April 2007) $106,000 by Promissory Note to Wilson for Health Club 4/24/2007 Foreclosure of 2005 Mtg. :Chase Home Finance, Inc v. Brian Bodie, Carl G. Santangelo as Tr of The Duke Lebeau Loan Trust 109 Sutton Road, Barrington, IL. 60010 5/18/2006 LeBeau sells Bodie 160 Lakeview realty using PreStar Financial, Bodie's company. 7/06/2005 Duke LeBeau, Inc. Grantor of $500,000 to Carl G. Santangelo; Trust#Lebeau Duke (2005 )- (2013)=2024 Santangelo partial assgnment of Judgement to Semenuk- shows date of Trust Authority of Duke LeBeau Trust, Santangelo TR was 3/28/2005 5/17/2004 Bodie gets Mtg $200,000 on 190 Sutton Pl from a mtg. co. 3/18/2004 Bodie writes Promissory Note for $500,000 to Santangelo, Tr, in exchange for "a mortgage in and to" 190 Sutton Place 2004 Santangelo obtained $550,000 mortgage for real property in Florida from Chase. 2003 Brian Bodie Trust 31745 c/o Cosmopolitan B&T for 3053 W Palmer, Chicago 2003 Santangelo filed Personal Bankruptcy 1996 Bodie Mtg. on Palmer Square SAT 1994 santangeloqwynn The beginning of serious repercussions for Mary Alice Gwynn; Santangelo commences a pattern of privately borrowing elder funds from a Trustee, with or without the owner's knowledge, twisting the story around, then files bankruptcy. This mimics the upcoming Duke LeBeau Trust Incident in Chicago, where Carl G. Santangelo, Tr. finances Kevin LeBeau and Brian Bodie with the Trust which the younger men combined with money swindled from elders, and a 1.9 M loan from AMCORE, a very weak bank, then defaulted, resulting in convictions for criminal convictions for bank fraud, with Santangelo, Tr. dismissed before trial. 1994 $209,950 Bodie Mtg on residence 3053 W Palmer; assigned 1995; SAT 1996
Long may we live to repeat the tail!
ANNOTATIONS ON THE PRESENCE OF A NUMBER in 2010 COLUMN 1. 1.Delaware general incorporation of Neuberger Berman (Bush, Walker, Brown Bros. Harriman) activated in 2010. 2.Edgecot (Leonce Picot, David R. Edgerton) Monterey Old House Lease ended. Edgerton had remained in Monterey, CA to operate the facility, with Picot's Power of Attorney Recorded. 3.-4. Picot's lifelong attorney, John Houston Payne having died in 2008, while Santangelo was in the heat of the Brodie/LeBeau case, Santangelo had Picot buy two new Life Insurance policies from Northwestern Mutual Life, and transferred them into a Trust to which ONLY Santangelo had access or knowledge, and as well re-structured the John Houston Payne Estate Plan which had been in place since the 1980's, copies of which he furnishhed missing pages and Amended in 2016 with a 2007 Notarized Signature. 5. Next Leonce and Carolyn Picot reverse-mortgaged their oceanfront penthouse for 938, 250 6.AMCORE Bank, Rockford, IL failed and the LeBeau Trust, Carl G. Santangelo, Tr. was a defendant in a criminal bank fraud case (loan from AMCORE) in Chicago. The Trust itself in 2019 was ordered to pay $569,000 at the same time Carl G. Santangelo first refused to pay Leonce's death benefit to his daughter. He drained her in court as she fought for her Named Beneficiary's Right to an Accounting which he claimed did not exist. Santangelo claims in an Amendment she was given $250,000, Never RECEIVED and in his disbursement withheld an additional $125,000 charged against the benefit, as well as a $25,000 payment due at death for a long-fulfilled business contract performed for services provided Leonce Picot and his enterprises in exchange for a death benefit for Picot's sole grandson. At the same time Kevin Lebeau and Brian Bodie in Chicago were appealing restitution and fines and length of prison sentences, appeals denied. 7. Notorious Dutch Southern California Rabobank was closed for money laundering violations, then re-organized after a fine. 8. Bank of Southeast Florida Failed. 9.Bank of Miami Failed. This bank formed in 1964 when National Oil, William Moser and Roy C. Jones, Sr. were mortgaging every bit of chattel in the Sunniland Pipeline to Peggy Menchaca, pre-ENRON. 10.Edgecot sells the Monterey Old House Lease via O.R. 57989 (similar to the Union Trust Tax Id and Kryder REIT, both numbered 5789. There several of these types of amost pairs in the case of related entities, differing only by repeating a digit and inserting it in third place from the left. Likewise, the RSSID for Fort Wayne Bank Realty, 67681 has a third digit inserted in Katherine Kryder Picot's SSN ****6781 11.Whether it's Almaden Wine or gasoline, National Distillers is ready to serve both, in war and in times of peace. aka NATIONAL DISTILLERS AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION 12. 13. A 2010 Neuberger Berman Entity was created, whch expired in 2023. 14. 15. Neuberger Berman sets up another new shop in Florida. 16. Pepsi Bottling Group merged and shuffled around in 2010. COLUMN 2. Annotations 17. This is a good example of how original corporate entity names are changed, by amendment, acquisition, or re-charter. Obviously, in 1900, there was no Neuberger-Berman, or even a Federal Reserve. Sometimes old names are found in histories, in some situations deduction is the best choice. Some likely 1900 pre-cursors of this now F.R. regulated securities trader: 1/6/1900 Insurance arm of Knights of Pythias established (later reorganized as American United Life in a 1936 closed-door financial debacle in Indianapolis) see Lincoln Tower Foreclosed 2M delinquent to AUL; Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, bonds matured on 11/1/1900 (Robert Fleming and SAINT, the Scottish Widows Trust invested in Bechtel/Harriman RR) - merged with UPRR 1996 18 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Cities Service Board of Directors, Tulsa, OK, interlocked with Directors of the Fort Wayne National Bank Building which Title became mortgaged to New York Life. Annual reports came from The Petroleum Club, Pepsico Place, Tulsa OK. In 1991, NYL transferred Title back to "The Wayne Partnership" (1970) in Fort Wayne. 30. In 1983, Old National Bank 71-19, ordered closed in 1928, was used as a depositary by Fank Kryder's tax lawyer, Glenn W. Bordner, for an asset from Frank's widow's trust. Though deposited into the Trust Account of Bordner at Fort Wayne National Bank, Fort Wayne National Bank re-endorsed and stamped in payable to Old National Bank 71-19. 31.Title Transfer Fort Wayne Bank Building, Inc. 1966-1991. Directors of Cities Service, Inc., Petroleum Club on Pepsico Place in Tulsa, OK from 1966. S, at the same time. In 1991, Title to the Fort Wayne Bank Building was conveyed to the 1970 "Wayne Partnership" by New York Life. 32.This "Lincoln" brand securities company formed when Fannie Mae, Countrywide, WAMU were Indymac and others were failing.
Carl G. Santangelo and the Invisible Co-Trustee"We have an advocate with the Father-” (I John 2:1); Youse have a cooked goose. 8/24/2023 Compiled by Michele Picot-Strawberry et al. Due to the seriousness of this present conclusion, I have composed the serialized set of de facto financial ID numbers, as two outwardly unrelated columns, pitted opposite each other, but selected under stricter constraints, requiring 100% historical logic into a complicated scratch-off, Alligator Alley Circle 84. They know who they are, do you? The shadowy gray left column are all IDS of 2010 only, creation or dissolution. In 2010, John H. Payne, Esq., a superior of Santangelo and author of Leonce Picot's estate work had been deceased two years. The health of his co-Trustee was failing and he became unable to serve. At that point, Carl G. Santangelo became Tr. of a new Northwestern Mutual Life Policy with Leonce's name on it. We can't be sure, as he claimed to have lost all Leonce's records as early as six weeks after death. Though he took apart the estate over the next eight years, he was too lazy to remove Mr. Payne's Articles which stated, "This Trust shall have Two Trustees," to collect and distribute Life Insurance Assets. Or perhaps Leonce, who had at least 40 points on Santangelo IQ-wise, made sure that paragraph was never deleted. Then the nouvelle Picots reverse-mortgaged their beachfront penthouse, in 2010. Amcore Bank in Chicago failed, as did Bank of Miami (1964), Bank of the Southeast (FL) and Rabobank (CA), whose notorious money laundry from Mexico made me think of the deposed Burger King, Uncle Edgy-Burger, Cocaine Dave, sitting up in Monterey holding Monterey Old House with Leonce (Edgecot). Leonce's Florida Restaurants were all sold not many years after 1001 Nob Hill failed. Yet the Edgecot partnership persisted, Dave had Leonce's Power of Attorney, and he maintained the old Gallatin's as some sort of haunted steak and wine bar, until- 2010. In 2010 Edgecot sold the Monterey Lease to a concern which soon offered it for 3.3M. It was the end of laundering Frank Kryder through the restaurant, wine and liquor, and merchant processing, coinciding with the failure and 2010 FDIC bailouts of a peculiar set of banks. They are peculiar because the FDIC losses in this one subset add up to $369 million lost by Mutual Security Life and gained by North American /Sirva, demonstrated further on. Dr. Forensicus taught, "When you see money going off the books, you suspect fraud." In the sunny yellow right hand column I have been able to use two numbers whose meaning has eluded not just me, but the Indiana Divison of Corporations through many rounds of clerks for decades: FIRST AND TRI-STATE CORPORAT : 192823-098 Creation : 12/11/1929 Inactive : 01/01/1970 (Tri-State Loan & Trust Company: The Story of Its Growth and Development 1889-1924 Allen Cunty Public Library Historica Dadtabase Until now, these critical Indiana corporate IDs did not fit logically or numerically into any series. That is how we know, this is the Head, which in the end swallows the tail, which appears to have been the destiny of Carl G. Santangelo, Tr., to get swallowed up meddling with the fortunes of the godly. I did warn him, just like a friend. His interference blocking my knowledge I had more than earned as a lovely, patient, frugal, and loyal daughter who bore ill-treatment with grace, prevented me from connecting a rather large family estate fraud to its present location and relevance, and the best shot I'd had at concluding the crime of crimes after thirty years. I did the work because no one else could. Carl G. Santangelo obstructed justice for many. A proper Trustee would be eager to show he had performed his duties properly, including not keeping part of an estate for himself and passing dark assets on to higher powers. The moment I expressed doubt, as an irrevocable beneficiary and next-of-kin, an upright Trustee would see I had understandable doubts, earning his keep and last duties to my father by satisfying my just request while establishing his innocence. An upright Trustee does not hide the death of a father for six weeks and say when he is finally tracked down, "I dare you to sue me" to a grieving daughter. That isn't godly behavior, yet Santangelo wrote to the sentencing Judge in 2019 in Chicago (when I was having to sue Santangelo) pleading for mercy for Brian Bodie because Brian Bodie is a godly man. Godly people do not take hundreds of thousands from the elderly with a ruse. 9/3/2023 Like always, to prove it to yourself, match and scratch one in digit in a column to one in the other column, 84 digits of de facto financial identification of money which moved in this particular cell surrounding Leonce Picot (because of his father-in-law, Frank H. Kryder) in 2010. The 2010 column cancels out the Century Column. The left column are all IDS of 2010 only, creation, amended, or expired. In 2010, John H. Payne, Esq., a superior of Santangelo and author of Leonce Picot's estate work had been deceased two years. The health of his co-Trustee was failing and he became unable to serve. At that point, Carl G. Santangelo became Tr. of a new Northwestern Mutual Life Policy with Leonce's name on it. We can't be sure, as he claimed to have lost all Leonce's records as early as six weeks after death. Though he took apart the estate over the next eight years, he was too lazy to remove Mr. Payne's Page which stated, "This Trust shall have Two Trustees." Then the nouvelle Picots reverse-mortgaged their beachfront penthouse, in 2010. Amcore Bank in Chicago failed, as did Bank of Miami (1964), Bank of the Southeast (FL) and Rabobank (CA), whose notorious money laundry from Mexico made me think of the deposed Burger King, Uncle Edgy-Burger, Cocaine Dave, sitting up in Monterey holding Monterey Old House with Leonce (Edgecot). Leonce's Florida Restaurants were all sold not many years after 1001 Nob Hill failed. Yet the Edgecot partnership persisted, Dave had Leonce's Power of Attorney, and he maintained the old Gallatin's as some sort of haunted steak and wine bar, until- 2010. In 2010 Edgecot sold the Monterey Lease to a concern which soon offered it for 3.3M. It was the end of laundering Frank Kryder through the restaurant, wine and liquor, and merchant processing, coinciding with the failure and 2010 FDIC bailouts of a peculiar set of banks. They are peculiar because the FDIC losses in this one subset add up to $369 million lost by Mutual Security Life and gained by North American /Sirva, demonstrated further on. Since Leonce had concealed and moved Kay Picot's inheritance 1974-2010, until the Monterey Restaurant Lease was sold in 2010, his last brick and mortar business, with his worldly departure in 2018, all the Kryder Company associates 1900-2023 connected to Leonce Picot and Dave Edgerton in 2010 come out of the woodwork. In the far left column under the logo, Alligator Alley Circle 84, entities as numbered in their column are detailed so as to create the logical connection of this CELL in communicable form. Every letter and numeral of this game is reviewed by Dr. Forensicus, before I am allowed to publish, though I have been raring at the bit to do so. This particular series has so far required six weeks of hard core deduction to pass inspection, and was sent back twice for errors, by Dr. F. I am allowed to publish as I go now, filling in the narrative, so those interested cannot say I am boasting evidence I don't really have. Though I have been told I have more than enough, allowance has to be made for the fact that I have always been on the inside looking out, living my family history as it was personally wiped out by The Bush Dynasty and their Fort Wayne compatriots. The Great United States has morphed from Happy Days into a time when we will all hear the word RICO and Obstruction of Justice applied not just to mobsters, but to lawyers, judges, law enforcers, government officials and other fancy folk, and that it has been sustained through generation to generation. My evidence has to stretch back to The Great Depression as it was in Fort Wayne, Indiana, along with its precursors (the 1911 ABA Numerical System concurrent with the Dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust, the Federal Reserve Act and Flagler System, 1913) to understand the last century's inside artificial manipulation of the course of United States history to this day. We have persistent problem people in the Treasury, the force which determines our fate, quality of life, though we know so little about it. It is finding the use of serialized banking numbers to conceal the origin of funds, a system within the system, top secret, that we can say it is there. It exists and has been developing since the use of 4-digit box numbers used to store Native American land patents. This "corruption" of our Numerical System spun off by bankers, senators, judges and the industrial age tycoons, extended to our present day zip codes is the reason financial crime operates in geographic cells. Cells form a web, such as Bank of America, Charlotte's Web . As some have said they are not sure how to use the scratch games, I have demonstrated by scartching off in BLUE numerals the first ENTITY in the gray column, which match the right The left column is the equivalent numerically to the other, for money routing or flagging, and tagging, as needed. It is not possible to construct this cell, of absolutely financially entangled entities, if it were not a cell, one dangerous enough to destroy careers, to ruin lives.
Chronology in Progress 1917 10/10/1917 $550,000 MORTGAGE Filed by Bass Foundry and Machine Company With County Recorder. A mortgage calling for $550,000, given to the Tri-State Loan and Trust company ($550,000 in later years becomes Santangelo's magic trust and judgment number along with ARCON and $100,000. 1928-1929 First and Tri-State Corporation was incorporated, a separate entity from the Tri-State Loan and Trust Company which was Fort Wayne's largest bank, bulding and loan, and trust company. Indiana Corporate Records 192823098 (MIA) at the time of the Comptroller's Bank Consolidation 1932 12/30/1932 The Kryder Realtors and Partnership of Clarence Frank and Frank H. Kryder incorporated with Minnie V. Kryder to form The kryder Company, Inc., a fifty-year corporation, inactive in 1970. Indiana Corporate Records 193007098 (MIA)
1950 North American Properties, Inc. formed in Fort Wayne, Indiana, 11/1/1950: a 40 year corporation; later sold Leonce Picot two beachfront condos at Sea Ranch B, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 1951 BARNETT BANK OF HOMESTEAD Document Number 018345 Date Filed 08/02/1951 NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT 12/01/1972 OLD NAME WAS : BANK OF FLORIDA & TRUST CO. AT HOMESTEAD NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT 02/02/1970 OLD NAME WAS : BANK OF FLORIDA AT HOMESTEAD NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT 09/30/1963 OLD NAME WAS : SOUTH DADE FARMERS BANK 1953 JONES FOR LOANS INC 175338 FEI/EIN Number 596063648 Filed 09/21/1953 State FL Status ACTIVE AMENDMENT Event Filed 08/13/2003 (Moser & Jones National Oil )
1964 Indiana Oil Purchasing Company State Of Inc: Nevada Qualified...: 08/13/1956 Merged.: 08/10/1964 Merged Into.: Pan American Petroleum Corporation : BALL, FRED S JR BALL, RICHARD A 1ST NATL BANK BLDG MONTGOMERY, AL Prin Address: STANOLIND BLDG TULSA, OK- Stanolind owned 50% of Zapata Oil. PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO OF FLORIDA INC Document Number 286637 Date Filed 11/01/1964 State FL Status INACTIVE Last Event DISSOLVED 06/30/1967 $335,000,0000: 2002 Gov. Jeb Bush Invested Florida State Pension Funds Lost to ENRON, which was financing Sunniland since at least 1964, of record. 1965 National Oil Merger in Florida William Moser, National Oil, Bluffton 1971 WELLS (County, Indiana) DEVELOPMENT CORP. Document Number 376122 FEI/EIN Number 59-1438931 Date Filed 01/26/1971 State FL Status INACTIVE 09/03/19761 FINANCIAL PLAZA SUITE 2206 FORT LAUDERDALE FLA 33394 Changed: 01/25/1974 Mailing Address 1 FINANCIAL PLAZA SUITE 2206 FORT LAUDERDALE FLA 33394 Changed: 01/25/1974 Registered Agent Name & Address GERBER,EDWARD H 1 FINANCIAL PLAZA SUITE 2206 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33394 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title PD GERBER,EDWARD H FORT LAUDERDALE, FL Title VD RAUCH,ROBERT E FORT LAUDERDALE, FL Title S BARRANCO,MARIA M FORT LAUDERDALE, FL Title D ISCH,ROGER R BLUFFTON, IN William Eugene Moser, Bluffyon, IN 1972 2/23/1972 NEUBERGER & BERMAN MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED BRANCH Number 197202-480 Incorporation Date 23 February 1972 (over 50 years ago) Dissolution Date 5 June 1991 Jurisdiction Indiana (US) Branch of New York (US) company Registered Address 342 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10173 3/09/1972 DUKE LEBEAU, INCORPORATED File Number 49985576 Status DISSOLVED on 08-08-2008 Entity Type CORPORATION Type of Corp DOMESTIC BCA Incorporation Date (Domestic) 03-09-1972 State ILLINOIS Duration Date PERPETUAL Agent Information KEVIN LE BEAU RR 3 DEERPATH RD BOX 741A AURORA ,IL 60506-9006 Agent Change Date 03-12-1992
9/13/1972 Articles of Incorporation 09/13/1972 09/13/1972 09/13/1972 12:00 AM 19871051466 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (THE as licensed in Colorado 9/15/1972 Gunshot Death of Kay Daniel (Mrs.ex- Leonce) Picot aka Katherine Ann Kryder, daughter of Frank H. Kryder, grand-daughter of Clarence Frank (Frank Sr.) and Minnie V. (Disler) Kryder, Fort Wayne, IN
10/31/1972 UNITED DRILLING & EXPL. CORP. Company Number 0053059 31 October 1972 (over 49 years ago) Jurisdiction Kentucky (US) Inactive Directors / Officers KENNETH L. PFAFMAN, agent PAT WATHERFORD, director, 31 Oct 1972- R. MARTIN ROCKWELL, incorporator, 31 Oct 1972- WILLIAM GENE MOSER, director, 31 Oct 1972- WILLIAM MOSER, director, 31 Oct 1972- 12/07/1972 Leonce Picot, a convicted cruel ex-husband re-married to an adversary of Kay's children, was appointed Personal Representative of ex-wife Kay Daniel Picot, a beneficiary of Frank Kryder; no accounting was provided and her SSN was not cancelled.
1981 1981 Zapata Oil Filings Lost 6/23/1981 (North American Van Lines) SPEDCO Company Number S075709 Incorporation Date 23 June 1981 (over 38 years ago) Jurisdiction Wisconsin (US) Agent Name C T CORPORATION SYSTEM Agent Address 301 S BEDFORD STREET SUITE 1 MADISON, WI 53703-3691 Directors / Officers C T CORPORATION SYSTEM, agent BARNETT BANK OF HOMESTEAD Document Number 018345 FEI/EIN Number 59-0659165 Date Filed 08/02/1951 State FL Status INACTIVE Last Event CONVERSION Event Date Filed 08/12/1981 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 499 ENGLISH AVENUE P.O. BOX 68 HOMESTEAD FLA 33030
12/17/1981 NATIONAL RESOURCES INC Company Number 198112-498 17 December 1981 (over 40 years ago) Dissolution Date 7 July 2009 Jurisdiction Indiana (US) Registered Address PO BOX 144, GREENFIELD, IN 46140 United States Inactive Directors / Officers KELLOGG.ROBERT. T, secretary, 17 Dec 1981- MOSER.WILLIAM. GENE, president, 17 Dec 1981- Robert T. Kellogg, agent, 17 Dec 1981- 1982 2/09/1982 Merger Florida Foreign Corporation MAGNAVOX CONSUMER ELECTRONICS COMPANY Document Number 843318 FEI/EIN Number 22-2133686 Date Filed 05/24/1979 State DE Status INACTIVE Last Event MERGER Event Date Filed 02/09/1982 C/O ST CLAIR M MARHSALL 100 E 42ND ST NEW YORK, NY 10017 Mailing Address C/O ST CLAIR M MARHSALL 100 E 42ND ST NEW YORK, NY 10017 Registered Agent Name & Address C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 100 BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI FL Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title PD MEINKEN, K.C. JR 250 NORTHWESTERN AVENUE CHICAGO, IL Title V CHAPPELL, W.D. 1700 MAGNAVOX WAY FT WAYNE, IN 7/20/1982 Jul 20, 1982 $33,400,000 other than cash FWNC merged with Fort Wayne National Bank, Fort Wayne, IN
1994-1996 Santangelo et ux. borrow $100,000 from an elder in 1994 and executes a second $100,000 note in 1996 granted by another lawyer's elder client's "Trustee" (client overseas) Santangelo claiming one was a switcheroo for the other to get his wife's name off it as he was about to file personal bankruptcy.santangeloqwynn . This caused the lawyer to file a false UCCI statement and to catch a pile of flack from the Florida Bar after she was apparently made hysterical. Santangelo was not looked at twice for borrowing elder funds then filing bankruptcy, claiming he believed the Lender was in Norway and did was never aware of the switch. 6/07/1994 Recorded; 4/29/1994 Arcon Construction Filed Articles in Cook Co., IL
1995 Estate of Frank H. Kryder opened in Fort Wayne, Allen County, IN by his grandaughter 4/02/1995, assisted by Frederic R. Tourkow, (see 1961 Orlando Land Co.) Esq., Fort Wayne. UNION STREET INVESTMENT COMPANY Business ID: 2004091700281 Creation Date: 09/17/2004 Inactive Date: 06/20/2008 Principal Office Address: 3055 WEST ARMITAGE AVE, CHICAGO, IL, 60647, USA Expiration Date: Perpetual Jurisdiction of Formation: Illinois Business Entity Report Due Date: 09/30/2006 Original Formation Date: 05/09/1995 10/01/1995 The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company First Consolidated Mortgage Bonds 11/09/1995 Foreign Limited Liability Company SOUTH PALM INVESTMENTS, L.L.C.M95000000334 FEI/EIN Number 41-1820894 Date Filed 11/09/1995 State DE Status INACTIVE Last Event LC WITHDRAWAL 05/14/2009 C/O ADLER MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. 10350 BREN ROAD WEST MINNETONKA, MN 55343
12/12/1995 CARL SANTANGELO secretario asistente, Panama flag R CRUISES,INC. (Panama, 12 Dec 1995- ) inactive 1996 To remove his wife as borrower, Santangelo substituted a 1994 promissory Note to an elder for $100,000 before filing Personal Bankruptcy in 2003. 7/1/1996 Acquisition HASTEN BANCORP 1142402 HASTEN BANCORP transferred its assets to one or more institutions including HASTEN BANCSHARES. 1997 3/14/1997 ARCON CORPORATION Business ID: 1997031032 Creation Date: 03/14/1997 Inactive Date: 01/08/2001 : 626 Town Hill Rd East, NASHVILLE, IN, 47448, USA Jurisdiction of Formation: Indiana
1997-05-20 NBD INDIANA, INC. was acquired by FIRST CHICAGO NBD CORPORATION 5/21/1997 Florida Foreign RABOBANK CURACAO N.V. Document Number Q97000000061 FEI/EIN NumberNONE Date Filed 05/21/1997 StateOC Status ACTIVE Principal Address SCHARLOOWEG 55 P.O. BOX 3876 CURACOA NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
1998 Norfolk Southern sold NAVL to Clayton, Dubilier,& Rice; Leonce and Carolyn Picot sold North American Properties Sea Ranch Condo to buy Condo at 1700 N. Ocean Blvd, Le Cristelle. Bank of Florida Corp. was founded in 1998 and went public the next year with a $11.9 million stock offering. There were about 13 million shares outstanding when its banks failed. 5/01/1998 Brian Bodie: incorporates as Fl Foreign: UNION STREET INVESTMENT COMPANY F98000002501 FEI/EIN Number 36-4034512 Date Filed 05/01/1998 State IL Status INACTIVE 10/17/2006 3055 W ARMITAGE CHICAGO, IL 60647 Changed: 01/21/2005 Mailing Address 3055 W ARMITAGE CHICAGO, IL 60647 Changed: 01/21/2005 Title P BODIE, BRIAN 3053 W PALMER CHICAGO, IL 60647
"June 1998, an investment fund managed by CD&R acquired Schulte GmbH & Co. KG, a leading building products distributor, from Thyssen A.G. in a transaction valued at approximately $226 million"; 6/9/1998 3:24:00 PM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: 28363/169 Instrument #: 98340418 Number Of Pages: 7 Doc Type: M - Mortgage/ Modifications & Assumptions Mortgagor / Borrower: SANTANGELO,CARL G SANTANGELO,OLGA WILLIAMS Mortgagee / Lender: NATIONSBANK Consideration: $100,000.00 GRABILL BANCORP : 13505 Main St. , GRABILL, IN 46741 : 1998090569 Active Creation : 9/11/1998 (Maxfield) 1999 02/19/1999 Tower Bank and Trust established 7/20/1999 Leonce buys 2 policies NWML. $500,000 + $1,000,000 10/25/1999 $559,938.51 Judgment, Broward County, FL, in favor of Mary Helen Franco, owed by Carl Santangelo et ux along with a couple who mortgaged a gas station. 3/20/2000 - 3/24/2000 "The DEA investigation shows that by March, 2000, Transtar was amassing a large quantity of pseudoephedrine... On March 24, 2000, DEA investigators observed Maswadeh (agent) ship three large boxes to California." (from Orlando) (Bank of Florida Trust Company, Inc.) BOFL, INC. Document Number P00000039323 FEI/EIN Number 59-3658784 Date Filed 04/19/2000 State FL Status INACTIVE Last Event VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION Event Date Filed 11/14/2013 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 1185 IMMOKALEE ROAD SUITE 110 NAPLES, FL 34110 8/04/2000 Foreign Limited Liability Company LAKEVIEW SHOPPING CENTER LLC Filing Information Document Number M00000001543 FEI/EIN Number 04-3525479 Date Filed 08/04/2000 State DE Status ACTIVE Last Event REINSTATEMENT Event Date Filed 0 6/29/2006 Principal Address 2 Seaport Lane c/o AEW Boston, MA 02210 8/8/2000 12:27:37 PM Book Type:O - Official Records Book / Page: 30744/1491 Instrument Number: 100450604 Number Of Pages:6 Doc Type:D - Deed Transfers of Real Property Grantor:SOUTH PALM INVEST LLC Grantee:LAKEVIEW SHOPPING CENTER LLC Consideration:$11,550,000.00 Case Number: Mtg Assumption Amt:0.0000 Legal:PT PA-C,119/50,LKVW DR SUB Z ParcelID:484129100011 ; assigned to Northwestern Mutual Life (see 1/04/2018) 2001 9/14//2001- 9/26/2001 8:53:54 AM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: 32157/396 Instrument #: 101357476 Number Of Pages: 4 Doc Type: M - Mortgage/ Modifications & Assumptions Mortgagor / Borrower: SANTANGELO,CARL G SANTANGELO,OLGA WILLIAMS Mortgagee / Lender: BANK AMERICA ( $100,000) 2001-10-19 PEPSI BOTTLING GROUP located at ONE PEPSI WAY, SOMERS, NY was established as a Domestic Entity Other (F.R.) 12/02/2001 Enron bankrupt 2002 $335,000,0000: 2002 Gov. Jeb Bush Invested Florida State Pension Funds Lost to ENRON, which was financing Sunniland since at least 1964, of record. 5/24/2002 BANK OF FLORIDA - SOUTHEAST Filing Information Document Number P02000057876 FEI/EIN Number 75-3001396 Date Filed 05/24/2002 State FL Status INACTIVE Last Event MERGER NAME CHANGE 08/24/2006 Event Effective Date 08/25/2006 Principal Address 200 SW 1ST AVENUE SUITE 1700 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301
2003 1/3/2007 Institution Became Inactive HASTEN BANCSHARES became inactive or is no longer regulated by the FRS. see 1994 (coincident with ARCON in Illinois) Carl G. Santangelo filed Personal Bankruptcy in July when owing another lawyer's elder client's Trustee $100,000. Partial Notes found in Florida Supreme Court Case No. SC08-622. July 2003, Carl Santangelo filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy protection in the case styled In Re: Carl G. Santangelo, Case No. 03-25339-BKC- RBR, in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Florida. 8/7/2003 Brian Bodie gets QCD for 3053 W. Palmer, Chicago from Cosmopolitan B&T
2004 2/09/2004 NEUBERGER BERMAN INC. acquired shares of National Oil Well 6/16/2004 Carl and Olga Santangelo dismiss a suit against Mary Alice Gwynn and Eugene Gorman. UNION STREET INVESTMENT COMPANY Business ID: 2004091700281 Creation Date: 09/17/2004 Inactive Date: 06/20/2008 Principal Office Address: 3055 WEST ARMITAGE AVE, CHICAGO, IL, 60647, USA Expiration Date: Report Due Date: 09/30/2006 Original Formation Date: 05/09/1995 Brian Bodie BANK OF FLORIDA - TAMPA BAY Document Number P04000140330 FEI/EIN Number 20-1779341 Date Filed 10/11/2004 State FL Status INACTIVE777 S HARBOUR ISLAND BLVD SUITE 125 TAMPA, FL 33602 Mailing Address 777 S HARBOUR ISLAND BLVD SUITE 125 TAMPA, FL 33602 CHARTER 1141 CANCELLED 3/07/2011 12/07/2004 Santangelo obtains $550,000 mtg. from Chase Manhattan, due 12/31/2034.
BANK OF FLORIDA - SOUTHWEST Document Number P04000171758 FEI/EIN Number 59-3615345 Date Filed 12/23/2004 Effective Date 01/01/2005 State FL Status INACTIVE AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 05/24/2010 1185 IMMOKALEE RD NAPLES, FL 34110 2005- LeBeau/Brodie Amcore loan already in default. 2/15/2005 NEUBERGER BERMAN INC IRS No.: 061523639 National Oilwell, Inc. 4/18/2005- 4th Amendment signed by Carl and Olga wipes us out for good. 7/06/2005 Duke LeBeau, Inc. Grantor of $500,000 to Carl G. Santangelo; Trust#Lebeau Duke 2006 2/14/2006 NEUBERGER BERMAN INC/ National Oil shares 4/17/2006 CYPRUS NABANCO LIMITED Reg. Number ΗΕ 175178 Type Limited Company SubType Private Name Status Current Name Registration Date 17/04/2006 Organisation Status Dissolved Status Date 11/01/2016 8/22/2006 $590,827.00 Rockford, IL. Final Judgment in favor of Brian Bodie, against Duke LeBeau Trust, Ft. Lauderdale, Carl G. Santangelo, Tr. , $100,000 assigned to Marie Semenuk, Broward County, (formed in Indiana, in 1997- see 2023 Arcon Roofing, 2018 Arcon Roofing and Semenuk 2013). Goodman Law Offices of Illinois was awarded $63, 328.57 in legal fees from the Le Beau Trust, Carl G. Santangelo, Tr.
BURGER KING INTERAMERICA, LLC Document Number L06000096464 FEI/EIN Number 59-1299022 Date Filed 10/02/2006 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event LC AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 12/10/2014 5707 BLUE LAGOON DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33126 2007 4/24/2007 Foreclosure of 2005 Mtg. :Chase Home Finance, Inc v. Brian Bodie, Carl G. Santangelo as Tr of The Duke Lebeau Loan Trust 190 Sutton Road, Barrington, IL. 60010
2008 7/02/2008 Name Change to Florida Foreign LINCOLN FINANCIAL SECURITIES CORPORATION Document Number 824285 FEI/EIN Number 02-0275490 Date Filed 03/26/1970 State NH Status ACTIVE Last Event NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 07/02/2008 Address 1301 SOUTH HARRISON STREET FORT WAYNE, IN 46802 7/11/2008 IndyMac Failed, went into receivership, and then became IndyMac Federal Bank, F.S.B. (58912) in Pasadena, California. 7/23/2008 Facundo L. Bacardi is top Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. 8/08/2008 Dissolved: 3/09/1972 DUKE LEBEAU, INCORPORATED File Number 49985576 Status DISSOLVED on 08-08-2008 Entity Type CORPORATION Type of Corp DOMESTIC BCA Incorporation Date (Domestic) 03-09-1972 State ILLINOIS Duration Date PERPETUAL Agent Information KEVIN LE BEAU RR 3 DEERPATH RD BOX 741A AURORA ,IL 60506-9006 Agent Change Date 03-12-1992 2009 2009 Credit Suisse Bank paid a $536 million fine to the U.S. government in 2009 to settle allegations of illegal dealings with Cuba, Iran, and other sanctioned countries, (In 2009, the holding company lost $147.6 million, or $11.54 per diluted share. In the first quarter of this year, it bled another $48.2 million. (195.8M) Rooney didn't stay on the board long. He resigned June 17, 2009.Employees also invested in the company's stock through a retirement plan. From March 2005 through October 2009, participants in the company's 401(k) plan bought $2.2 million in stock, according to an SEC filing. Those purchases weren't properly registered, and the company was later forced to make a rescission offer, but it's not clear if any of the money was ever refunded). EVERBANK RSSD ID: 2735146 6/12/2009 CSG owes Robert V. Stein, Tr $44,000 plus 10%/annum, Document Number: 0923629076 Document Type: JUDGMENT Date Recorded: 8/24/2009 Date Executed: 8/6/2009 # of Pages: 1 Address: Consideration Amount: $1,568,819.00 Grantors Name Trust# AMCORE BK Grantees Name Trust# DUKE LEBEAU INC 1201 S WESTERN LCC DUKE LEBEAU TRUST LEBEAU DUKE TRUST SANTANGELO CARL G TR LEBEAU KEVIN J BODIE BRIAN G MORTGAGE DESK INC UNION ST INV CO PRESTAR FIN CORP 2010 *****4/07/2010 Dec. of Trust jumps from Article 2 to 8, CP and LP signed. Something given to me through Brady by Santangelos lawyer with missing pages.
2012 SEC Freezes Assets of Insider Trader in Burger King Stock FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2012-195 Washington, D.C., Sept. 20, 2012 2013 8/20/2013 3:17:18 PM Book Type:O - Official Records Book / Page: 50097/132 Instrument Number: 111750621 Number Of Pages:2 Doc Type:AST - Assignment Assignor:SANTANGELO,CARL G DUKE LEBEAU TRUST Assignee:SEMENUK,MARGARET M MARGARET M SEMENUK REVOCABLE TRUST COLLETTI INVESTMENTS LLC (Bank of Florida Trust Company, Inc.) BOFL, INC. Document Number P00000039323 FEI/EIN Number 59-3658784 Date Filed 04/19/2000 State FL Status INACTIVE Last Event VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION Event Date Filed 11/14/2013 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 1185 IMMOKALEE ROAD SUITE 110 NAPLES, FL 34110 **10/01/2013 10/1/2013 1:21:02 PM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: 50218/493 Instrument #: 111842386 Number Of Pages: 5 Doc Type: RST - Release/Revoke/Satisfy or Terminate From: NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY To: ARCON CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT CORP (Broward County Recorder) 10/1/2013 NY Central Railroad Company 5% refunding mtg and improvement gold bonds due, issued 1922; Kryder's Additions Platted 1922, land purchased "gold coin in hand." 2014 1/30/2014 4:04:31 PM Book Type:O - Official Records Book / Page: 50514/580 Instrument Number: 112072805 RS Code: 0 Number Of Pages:31 Doc Type:M - Mortgage/ Modifications & Assumptions Mortgagor / Borrower:LAKEVIEW SHOPPING CENTER LLC Mortgagee / Lender:NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consideration:$9,118,000.00 Doc Extension:114813441 4/26/2014 2014-04-26 TOWER BANK & TRUST COMPANY (fka Lincoln National Bank and Trust) was acquired by OLD NATIONAL BANK (fka Fort Wayne National Bank, several times). 11/14/2014 Duke Lebeau Loan Trust Judgment to pay Goodman Law Offices $63,328.57; Santangelo dismissed before trial and as Trustee pays nothing (though he was paid as Trustee). 2015 6/02/2015 Recorded SANTANGELO FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST SANTANGELO,CARL G SANTANGELO,OLGA W 2017 3/17/2017 7/04/2017 (04/06/1946 Institution established. Original name: Grabill Bank (16400).; 07/14/2017 Merged and became part of First Merchants Bank (4365) in Muncie, IN 11/21/2017 NATIONAL OIL LLC ID N047901 Registered Effective Date 11/01/2017 Entity Type Domestic Limited Liability Registered Agent Office BARKAT ALI 1831 W NATIONAL AVE MILWAUKEE , WI 53204-1154 11/21/2017 THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Filing Information Document Number 805087 FEI/EIN Number 35-0472300 Date Filed 08/04/1939 State IN Status ACTIVE Last Event REINSTATEMENT Event Date Filed 11/21/2017
2018 WARRANTY DEED: 1/2/2018 8:43:25 AM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument #: 114806519 Number Of Pages: 3 Doc Type: D - Deed Transfers of Real Property Grantor: PICOT,LEONCE LEONCE PICOT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST CAROLYN PICOT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST Grantee: SHUMAN-FABBRI,NATALIA Consideration: $1,100,000.00 Case Number: Mtg Assumption Amt: 0.0000 Legal: CRISTELLE,A CONDOMINIUM UNIT 8B ParcelID: 494307CE0220 Property Appraiser Property Map Tax Collector 1/4/2018 10:45:59 AM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument #: 114812108 Number Of Pages: 1 Doc Type: RST - Release/Revoke/Satisfy or Terminate From: SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT To: PICOT,LEONCE PICOT,CAROLYN LEONCE PICOT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST CAROLYN PICOT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST Case Number: RefNum: DocLink: 47282/888 O 109503409 1/4/2018 3:49:22 PM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument #: 114813441 Number Of Pages: 2 Doc Type: RST - Release/Revoke/Satisfy or Terminate From: NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY To: LAKEVIEW SHOPPING CENTER LLC $9,118,000.00 (2002-2018) See Kevin J. LeBeau, 190 Lakeview Drive. ( 1/4/2018 3:49:22 PM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument #: 114813441 Number Of Pages: 2 Doc Type: RST - Release/Revoke/Satisfy or Terminate From: NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY To: LAKEVIEW SHOPPING CENTER LLC $9,118,000.00 (2002-2018) 8/8/2000 mtg. $11,550,000 3/13/2018 DOJ LIEN on Kevin J. Lebeau, 190 LAKEVIEW Dr., Aurora Il 60506 $1,016,700.00 re-recorded Record Date: 3/14/2018 2:31:01 PM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument Number: 114947789 Number Of Pages: 7 Doc Type: M - Mortgage/ Modifications & Assumptions Mortgagor / Borrower: SANTANGELO FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST SANTANGELO,CARL G SANTANGELO,OLGA W Mortgagee / Lender: U S SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Consideration: $73,500.00 8/24/2018 August 24, 2018 death of Leonce Picot, Michele Picot not notified, Laura Picot falsely claims to be daughter of Carolyn Guerard Phelps Picot, to newspaper and Santangelo. Santangelo makes no effort to contact Michele Picot as to her Irrevocable LIT Benefits. She tracked him down when she heard of her father's death in mid-September. He refused to provide an accounting and said he would release nothing without a signature waiving rights to an accounting. The Rules of the LIT are that every named Beneficiary has the right to a full accounting of the LIT. Santangelo had written into a 2016 Amendment that Michele had been prepaid $250,000.00which is wholly a lie. Michele had to sue Santangelo to get that document. He avoided service, costing $1700, slandered her, and told a Judge he had no Insurance records, and in distributing the LIT he had relied on "third party information." The Trust required two Trustees, but Santangelo was a Co- Successor, selected by John H. Payne, Esq., deceased, author of the estate, and his appointee co-Trustee, Bruce Weihe, Esq.had been unable to serve for years. Santangelo neglected to have a co-trustee appointed and proceeded unsupervised and without accounting to collect the Life Insurance of Leonce Picot, of which only a portion was distributed, and proceed to manage according to a Trust written as though it were to be in receipt of more than Leonce's diminished life insurance. ARCON ROOFING $100,000; Carl G. Santangelo, Grantor 9/6/2018 9:43:31 AM Book Type: O - Official Records Book / Page: / Instrument #: 115307643 Number Of Pages: 3 Doc Type: RST - Release/Revoke/Satisfy or Terminate From: SANTANGELO,CARL SANTANGELO,OLGA W SANTANGELO FAMILY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST To: ARCON ROOFING $100,000.00 10/16/2018 Letter of CGS to Leigh Michele Picot about being disinherited, denying her rights to see any Trust Documents or accounting if she accepted what he claimed. 10/16/2018 Letter of Brian Bodie Goodness of Character in which Santangelo throws his client, the Duke LeBeau Trust, under the bus as being manipulated by Kevin LeBeau, unbeknownst to Santangelo, Tr., Amcore, or Bodie 2019 U.S. vs Brian Bodie and Kevin LeBeau 9/01/2019 NIC:"Merger or Purchase & Assumption MECHANICS BANK 936462 of Rabobank- RABOBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION transferred its assets to one or more institutions including MECHANICS BANK. RABOBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ceased to exist as a head office. One charter has been discontinued or will be discontinued in the near future. RABOBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION did not fail; government assistance not involved."
MCLEAN, Va., Nov. 06, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today announced it sold via auction 2,243 non-performing residential first lien loans (NPLs) from its mortgage-related investments portfolio. The loans, with a balance of approximately $369 million, are currently serviced by Specialized Loan Servicing LLC. The transaction is expected to settle in January 2020. The sale is part of Freddie Mac’s Standard Pool Offerings (SPO®). Freddie Mac, through its advisors, began marketing the transaction on October 8, 2019. Here ANOTHER $369 MILLION is lost, as compared to $369 million lost with thye failure of Mutual Security Life (1991) and $369 million acquision of North American Van Lines by Cousin Kenneth Maxwell in 1989. 2023 ARCON ROOFING $100,000 MARGARET M SEMENUK (2013), Grantee
Notes 5789 FDIC Certificate Number for Union Trust,
Allen County, In. Sup. Court #13934 4/15/1950 Kryder REIT recorded for parts of Waynedale and Lot 209 Avondale Add, Frank H. Kryder, Tr. (not liquidated in his 1966 estate) 14518 FDIC Certificate Number for 06/05/1920 Institution established. Original name: Valley Bank and Trust Company (14518). 11/20/1998 Merged and became part of National City Bank of Indiana (4347) in Indianapolis, IN. 07/22/2006 Merged and became part of National City Bank (6557) in Cleveland, OH. 11/06/2009 Merged and became part of PNC Bank, National Association (6384) in Wilmington, DE. Allen County, In. Sup. Court #14518 Estate of Minnie V. Kryder 1960-1963 = 0.00
Utrecht-America Holdings, Inc. and Rabobank N.A. operate as subsidiaries of the Rabobank Group in the United States. In 2019, it was announced that Rabobank sold its American retail business to Mechanics Bank, with all Rabobank branches taking the Mechanics name. Rabobank will continue to do business in North America related to Food and Agriculture based-lending under its subsidiary Rabo AgriFinance.[11]
Mechanics Bank served Standard Oil, Santa Fe Railroad, the Ford Motor Company and their employees during this period.[4][5] Downer also successfully led the bank through the Great Depression while many other banks succumbed.[4][5]
PreStar Financial Corp. and Mortgage Desk
Leonce home sale after payin mortgage =
Advanced to Bodie "$500,000" which at one point rose to $800,000, as CGS wrote to the Judge- he was trying to "help Brian" eventho' Brian now has a Judgement against the Duke Trust.
Leonce Picot LIT Policy Loans= $678,045.45
Total Paid $839,934. 08 of 1,500,000
Amcore Judgment on DL TRUST= 8/24/2009
Separate Judgment ordering Trust pay fees owed to Goodman Law Offices of Illinois = $63,328.57
3/13/2018 DOJ LIEN on Kevin J. Lebeau, 190 LAKEVIEW Dr., Aurora Il 60506 $1,016,700.00;
At Leonces death, Santangelo was on the hook, just from the Chicago Case,
$1,568,819.00 - 1,016,700.00 (LeBeau) + 63,328.57 (attys owed) = $615,447.57 Judgment against Trust, Santangelo, TR.
(Policy Loans $678,045.45 - $615,447.57 = 62,597.88 Policy Loan remainder applied to who knows but CGS? Myabe this is the Chicago Lawyer cut.
$161,750 house sale-mortgage profit + insurance(-loans) $839,934. 08 = 1,000,934.08 Leonce estate c/o CGS; essentially the sale of the house would have paid my 100,000 and the 50,000 to the lovely g-daugters. and the $839,934 still leaves $139,943 undistributed. Or if I had been paid from that, there is $39,943 undistributed insurance
15,765.92 = Kevin LeBeau Personal Judgment-Leonce Estate. Too close to dismiss that juggling could have been going on for years, making this a RICO when one case blends into another, LeBeau also had about $300,000 in restitution. In 2012, before his case was final, he privately borrowed $200,000 from a very old lady and $200,000 from a couple to by he and his wife a homestead (protected in bankruptcy).
The scheme itself runs on private promissory notes and loans, sometimes elder investments which has allowed Bodie, Kevin LeBeau and CSG to be in huge debt but keep borrowing money to acquire realty.
You can get the whole picture if you study the left column 1994-now. You will see that Bodie borrowed $500,000 from the "Duke LeBeau Loan Trust" which somehow ended up with CGS. I can find no actual "Duke" in Broward or Cook County, and no documents filed that even show the Trust was recorded and the Trustee designated and empowered. There is a pile of documents on Leonce, to confuse the stupid women heirs, but NO documentation of the "Duke LeBeau Loan Trust" Where did that $500,000, which CSG wrote to the Judge, pleading for Brian, saying it was Kevin's fault come from?