Count's Castle

A 1930 Monumental Erection
Eclipsed only by Viagra sales
Pfizer Laboratories,
Groton, C T
as in
CT Corporation
Company Town
Corporate Terrorists &
Confederate Treasury
215 East Berry St.
c/o Barrett & McNagny Estate Lawyers
Few really knew or understood

what was going on in the offices of the Kryder Family enterprises
Excuse me, Messrs. Moorhead, Barrett, Shoaff, and
Hellmke, but the name is "KRYDER"
Forget the name? You're to blame
And loans for coal are such a shame On
my first visit to Fort Wayne I pondered the dramatic view from my room at the
Holiday Inn on West Washington. Lightning had gutted St. Mary's Church. Only half
the building remained, from the bottom up, and it was draped with a black soy-ish
looking cloth. Creatures of the air made a game of zooming through the brick arches
which once framed stained Indiana glass, I imagined. Such
was the beginning of the journey into the world of my grandfather and his parents-
a bloody world of skullduggery, depression, oppression, and war. Not
being able to resist the wreckage of the Church, I hoofed my way over to the ruins
where I found the sign in a luxuriance of weeds, painted with the words "Come
Back to Me."
And say my land is best.
rather famished from hours of labor in your self-aggrandizing City/County
Complex, trying to discover what you had done with the Last Will and Testaments
of my great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and grandfather, I trudged back to
the hotel and placed my order with room service. And
that will always be my most memorable dining experience. Because it now
gives me the appropriate forum to say what I think of ye. "What're
the first two letters of your last name?" the kitchen needed to know to complete
my order. Well, you asked for it.
- FU
St. Mary's Catholic Church
in the jurisdiction of Bishop Leo Pursley, uncle of Alexander N. Pursley, Trustee,
of 22 of the Kryders' Lots in Fairfield Terr. Sec. A, all missing in action
North American Cousin Kenneth
Pres. of North American Van Lines,
of the bloody old bank
and of Counsel in the Allen County Prosecutor's
firm Beers, Mallers, Backs, and Salin.
Meet Some of Our North Americaneers:
Jimmy 1
the streets:
A bloody Scotsman indeed!

Judge not for political asspiration!

Sire of W. P.
Our trusted
Canadian Royal Family

Spawn of Tom G.