is Kryder's Money? | Main Time Line || Sitemap
Thomas M. Moorhead went to work for Shoaff, Simon, Keegan & Baird while he was still vice president of The Kryder Company, Inc. (Fred Barnett Shoaff seen below).
It is the MO of Fort Wayne estate attorneys to have their clients leave copious property to their town .
Citation from Allen County Library:
Photo ID: 00004230 Collection: Historic
Photos Notes: Allen County Fort Wayne Historical Society, 1960:
presentation of the deed of property at 634 Lawton Place, Fort Wayne IN, containing
the grave of Little Turtle. (l to r) William t. white, John H. Craig, Fred B.
Shoaff and Mary Catherine Smeltzly. Miss Smeltzly purchased the property and
deeded it to the city. Shoaff, as president of the park board, accepted the